Spousal Support
Spouses have a duty to support each other under California Family Code §4300. While it is possible for spouses to sue the other to enforce this duty of support during marriage, spousal support is typically an issue at the time of dissolution or legal separation. California authorizes the court to order spousal support by one spouse to the other, upon a judgment of dissolution or legal separation, for an amount and period of time it considers just and reasonable taking into account more than 15 different factors, including the length of marriage, marital standard of living, earnings and earning capacities of the parties.
Spousal support orders, unlike child support orders, are largely based on the Court’s discretion and can have significant long lasting effect. It is therefore imperative that you have an experienced family law attorney who knows how to litigate and settle spousal issues- whether it’s creating a temporary order pending a final judgment, a final spousal support order, modifying an existing order, or terminating an existing spousal support order altogether.
At Nordhoff Law & Mediation, we use our decades of experience to quickly and efficiently gather the facts necessary to see the big picture of your case and the relevant facts. We use those facts to develop a strategic approach to protecting your financial best interest.
Contact our office today to discuss how we can expertly and efficiently litigate and settle your spousal support issues.