Parentage Cases
Parentage or paternity matters are resolved in the family court. Establishing the paternity of a child, can have important emotional and legal consequences. In other words, family law courts may determine the identity of the parents of a child using genetic testing. Once parentage is established, that person has all the rights of a parent, may obtain custody/visitation orders, and may be ordered to pay child support.
California paternity law entitles any man who is alleged to be the father of a child to prove or disprove his fatherhood through DNA testing. The alleged father is also entitled to legal counsel in any paternity legal proceeding where fatherhood is to be decided and child support payments set per California guidelines. In some cases, the alleged father is seeking child custody as well, and the court can award custody to either parent, based on the circumstances, the parenting capabilities of the parties involved, and what parenting patterns have been established at the time the paternity suit is filed.
If you are a father challenging paternity, you may be required to pay temporary child support until the paternity case is resolved. If you are deemed not to be the biological father per DNA testing, then you may have the payments returned to you under California paternity law.
It is important to have a lawyer overseeing your case to ensure that your rights are protected and that justice is served in regards to you and your child. An attorney at our firm can ensure that over or underpayment of child support does not occur, that improper custody arrangements or unworkable visitation schedules and other problems do not result which seriously affect your rights, your finances, and your future.
At Nordhoff Law & Mediation, our team understands how emotionally challenging paternity disputes can be for everyone involved. Our firm is dedicated to providing responsive and compassionate representation in resolving your paternity disputes.